
Ordinary Portland Cements" (OPC) 53 SUPER POWER GRADE as per IS 269:2015.

A mixture of limestone and other raw materials like argillaceous, calcareous, gypsum is prepared and then grinded to prepare OPC.

Specifications of (OPC) 53 SUPER POWER GRADE :

  • Initial strength is higher than PPC & Its initial setting time is 30 minutes and final setting time is 280 minutes. Its faster setting time helps faster construction.
  • Generates more heat than PPC in hydration reaction which makes it less suitable for mass casting.
  • OPC has finiteness of 225 sq.m/kg. It has lower fineness than PPC. So, it has higher permeability resulting lower durability.
  • Application/Uses It is suitable where fast construction is required & Grades available OPC 53 SUPER POWER GRADE & OPC 43 POWER GRADE .

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